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We are sober housing providers. We provide safe, supportive homes in nice neighborhoods. We believe in the power of housing security to help people rebuild their lives. All our homes are alcohol and drug free.

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We provide safe, peaceful,  sober homes in good neighborhoods for people in recovery from Substance Use Disorder.  We believe in the power of housing stability combined with the power of shared housing to  provide support & accountability.  We serve veterans, women and men who are justice involved,  and others in need of safe, secure recovery housing. Studies show that those who lived in sober housing, have higher chance of long-term recovery.

Our focus is person and team centered. We partner with agencies who provide support for our shared clients, making sure our residents have the support and resources required to help them reach their goals. We invest in people and are helping change the life's of our residents so they can live their life to the fullest. 


We believe in the power of housing to change lives. Our highest values are tranquility, cooperation and personal safety. We believe this gives people the highest chance of success of achieving their dreams .People can stay for varied periods of time. Studies have shown that those who stay in a sober home at least six months, have the highest rates of success. 

We are partnered with many agencies that can help support you in achieving your goals. At Blakes house, we are located near public transportation so you can easily get to where you are going, such as treatment,  jobs,  training, and grocery stores. All homes are alcohol and drug free, We drug test upon admission, suspician, and then randomly just to ensure everyone is staying sober.  Residents share a bedroom and everyone is assigned weekly home chores. Our goal is that you will experience supportive fellowship, much like a family.




Fill out the application so we can get to know each other

It’s easy to complete the application. We can’t wait to get to know you!


Let's set some goals

We’ll discuss your needs, and the ways we can help you achieve your goals.


Success is just around the corner

Build a foundation of successful relationships and the skills needed to be all that you can be




Living in a recovery residence is crucial for maintaining sobriety and fostering personal growth. Our homes offer a structured, drug-free environment that supports individuals in overcoming addiction. They provide a sense of community and accountability, essential for rebuilding lives. With access to counseling, peer support, and skill-building opportunities, recovery residences help individuals develop coping strategies and establish a stable foundation for long-term recovery and well-being.

We want to help set people up for success in life after addiction, which involves reclaiming one's identity and pursuing a fulfilling future. Many people find success by leveraging their experiences to help others, whether

through mentorship, advocacy, or peer support. 



Veterans transitioning from military life often face unique challenges, including addiction. Sober housing provides a stable, supportive environment crucial for their recovery. It offers a structured space free from triggers, fostering a sense of community and accountability, and helping veterans rebuild their lives with dignity and purpose.
Unfortunately, up to  two-thirds suffer from substance abuse problems, and many from dual diagnosis
We want to help our Veterans and be there for them, just like they were there for us when they volunteered  to help protect and serve our country. 


Justice Involved / Re-entry

Transitioning from incarceration to a sober home represents a pivotal opportunity for rebuilding life and achieving lasting recovery. This shift provides a structured, supportive environment essential for reintegration, offering a safe, drug-free space where individuals can focus on their recovery journey. Sober homes typically offer counseling, support groups, and practical resources that help residents navigate the challenges of reentry. By fostering accountability, personal growth, and new coping strategies, these homes facilitate a smoother transition, promoting stability and a renewed sense of purpose. This supportive foundation is crucial for successfully overcoming past challenges and building a healthier, more fulfilling future.


Our Mens House in Maplewood

We have recently opened "Peace House". It is a men's sober living home in Maplewood, MN, close to many resources and conveniences. 
We are offering a home in the eastern Suburbs that is away from the busyness and growing crime of the

downtown areas of St Paul and Minneapolis.
The home is smaller, offering a more family-like environment, with a maximum of (6) six residents. 
We believe this offers those seeking more of a quiet, sanctuary environment, the ideal place to heal and grow in your recovery.
We are right next to a church, in fact, "Peace House" is the parsonage, the former home of the pastor many years ago. The church is very supportive and hopes many life's will be blessed. Spanish speaking AA classes are held there.  However, there is no requirement or pressure to be involved with the church. It is entirely up to the individual. 



Apply Now

Take your first step now to get safe, supportive housing.

Fill out the application and we will get in touch.

Contact Information

St. Paul, MN


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EIN# 92-2245225

Copyright © 2024 Blakes House Recovery Residence

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